Crime Scene Insects BBC World Service (June 11, 2010) This episode of BBC Documentaries explores forensic entomology: “the investigation of insects recovered from crime scenes and corpses.” Guests include Amoret Whitaker of the Natural History Museum in London, who studies the flies and maggots that congregate on corpses to find clues about the time and […]
Search: “unclaimed”
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Indigent burials, and cost to public, on rise Kevin Duchschere, Star Tribune (December 27, 2009) This is a story which persists in the news. County morgues all across America continue to deal with unclaimed dead bodies. I have been writing about these cases on Death Ref’s Death + the Economy section. Minneapolis is the featured […]
R.I. governor vetoes ‘domestic partners’ burial bill Katherine Gregg, The Providence Journal, (November 10, 2009) When a person dies, his or her body needs to be claimed by the next of kin. If no kin can be found, then that dead body is handled by local authorities. The legal question of who (or whom) qualifies […]
Stressed Out
In the U.S. and overseas, the recession is taking a toll. In addition to bodies stacking up at morgues and cemeteries in foreclosure, we can now add to the list the phenomenon of economy-induced, work-related suicides. As reported in The Guardian and other news outlets, France Telecom is experiencing a rash of suicides that began […]
Home Burials Offer an Intimate Alternative Katie Zezima, New York Times (July 21, 2009) Tuesday’s New York Times featured a front page article — FRONT PAGE — on people who choose home burials for a deceased love one. Economic concerns are given as a key reason for any upsurge in home burials, because they do […]
Call numbers for browsing: Library of Congress — N8217 D5 Dewey — 759 and others Websites Books Videos Websites Paintings depicting death (Wikipedia) Paintings on the theme of death (Wikipedia) Death and Death in art (Wikimedia Commons) Hundreds of high quality, public domain images in a variety of mediums. Death and Dying Resources (New York […]